Monday, June 28, 2010

A Guide on Submitting Your Artwork on Slides Or CD

Deciding which way to submit your work depends on a few factors. One being what the gallery would accept and how many your able to submit. The second would be simply how much are you willing to invest to have them made. To make your choice easier lets take a look at both of these factors.

Galleries have a few recommendations on how they would like your work submitted to them. The most traditional is in slide format. If you are planning to take photos of your work you can either do it your self but it is best to have a professional do them for you. To make slides photographers use a film called ektachrome. Others use digital photographs to make slides. Prices do vary so research carefully. The expensive part is making a ton of slides for a ton of galleries you want to submit to. Another option are having prints made of your work. Make sure that when you have prints that you submit them flat in a well protected envelope or sheet. The same also applies to your slides and pay close attention to how some galleries want you to label your slides. Also it is important that you provide an identification sheet like the example below:

1) Name of art work, medium used, dimensions, year, and price or NFS (Not For Sale)

Another way of submitting your work is on a CD. This is now the most common and quickest way for many galleries now. If you have a digital camera, some good lighting, and a computer with a CD burner then you are on your way. Best way to take good digital photos is by using natural light. Upload them onto your computer and crop them so that you remove any background. Make sure to save some of the samples at 100 dpi and make sure you save them as either the name of the artwork or the number it corresponds. Many galleries prefer smaller jpegs which makes it easy for them to view and upload. And like your prints and slides make sure they are in the same order on your identification list. Also, some galleries do prefer that you send them a digital identification sheet on your CD. Though making a CD of your work is much simpler it is still best to know how to have slides done of your work for archival purposes.

Before sending off to the galleries make sure that all of your other materials like your artist statement, resume, and your self address stamped envelope if they need to return your work.

To learn more go to

Reinaldo Arvelo You can also visit Arvelo's website at

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